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Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's been a while...

After a few months of struggling with reoccurring injuries, I finally gave my hips and legs a rest. My weight was not coming down and my symptoms of my injuries were getting worse. I needed a new approach...

Calorie counting - as tedious as it was, I spent 3 months journaling every little thing i put in my mouth. after two weeks i realized that even though i was eating healthy i was eating just as many calories as i was expending. And, you don't loose weight if you don't lose calories.

The next step I was dreading but I knew I had to do was to cut out one of my daily snacks. It took a good a full two weeks to adjust to not having a snack mid morning but it saved me 300 calories a day. That, coupled with dedicating 1 hour a day to walking while at work, gave me a calorie loss of 500 calories per day. Theoretically, I was supposed to be losing 1 lb a week. this wasn't always the case but after 2 months of these daily changes, the weight started to drop.

Last weight in: 141.8 lbs

My work has transitioned again just recently. now i am back sitting at a desk most of the day. this is a new challenge. my goal is to continue to lose weight while I am recovering and trying to figure out my reoccurring injuries. Long-term, i hope to start running again. I will have to start from scratch but I know from previous accomplishments that i can do it. I expect to see my pace to faster and my endurance to be longer with my new weight.

My new exercise regimen consists of walking 30-60 min a day along with 30 min of yoga.

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